Step 1: Set up a Django project
django-admin startproject myproject
cd myproject
PythonStep 2: Install Djoser and Required Packages
pip install django djangorestframework djoser djangorestframework_simplejwt
PythonStep 3: Add Djoser to Installed Apps
PythonStep 4: Configure Djoser
# Djoser settings
PythonStep 5: Configure URLs
urlpatterns = [
re_path(r'^auth/', include('djoser.urls')),
re_path(r'^auth/', include('djoser.urls.jwt')),
PythonStep 6: Configure Authentication Classes
Python**Authentication Endpoints:**
- **User Registration:**
- URL: `POST /auth/users/`
- Description: Register a new user.
- Body: JSON containing user data.
"username": "example_user",
"email": "",
"password": "example_password"
- Response:
- Status: 201 Created
- Body: JSON representing the created user.
"email": "",
"username": "example_user"
- **User Details:**
- URL: `GET /auth/users/`
- Description: Retrieve user details.
- Headers:
- Authorization: JWT token (Bearer token)
- Response:
- Status: 200 OK
- Body: JSON representing the user details.
- **User Update:**
- URL: `PUT /auth/users/`
- Description: Update user details.
- Headers:
- Authorization: JWT token (Bearer token)
- Body: JSON containing updated user data.
"username": "new_username",
"email": ""
- Response:
- Status: 200 OK
- Body: JSON representing the updated user details.
- **User Confirmation:**
- URL: `POST /auth/users/confirm/`
- Description: Confirm user account registration.
- Body: JSON containing confirmation data.
"uid": "your_user_id",
"token": "your_token_here"
- Response:
- Status: 204 No Content
- **Resend Activation Email:**
- URL: `POST /auth/users/resend_activation/`
- Description: Resend activation email.
- Body: JSON containing email address.
"email": ""
- Response:
- Status: 204 No Content
- **Set Password:**
- URL: `POST /auth/users/set_password/`
- Description: Set user password.
- Body: JSON containing new password.
"new_password": "new_example_password"
- Response:
- Status: 204 No Content
- **Password Reset Request:**
- URL: `POST /auth/users/reset_password/`
- Description: Request a password reset by providing the email address.
- Body: JSON containing the email address.
"email": ""
- Response:
- Status: 204 No Content
- **Password Reset Confirmation:**
- URL: `POST /auth/users/reset_password_confirm/`
- Description: Confirm a password reset by providing the token and new password.
- Body: JSON containing the token and new password.
"uid": "your_user_id",
"token": "your_token_here",
"new_password": "new_example_password"
- Response:
- Status: 204 No Content
- **Set Username:**
- URL: `POST /auth/users/set_username/`
- Description: Set user username.
- Body: JSON containing new username.
"new_username": "new_username"
- Response:
- Status: 204 No Content
- **Username Reset Request:**
- URL: `POST /auth/users/reset_username/`
- Description: Request a username reset by providing the email address.
- Body: JSON containing the email address.
"email": ""
- Response:
- Status: 204 No Content
- **Username Reset Confirmation:**
- URL: `POST /auth/users/reset_username_confirm/`
- Description: Confirm a username reset by providing the token and new username.
- Body: JSON containing the token and new username.
"uid": "your_user_id",
"token": "your_token_here",
"new_username": "new_username"
- Response:
- Status: 204 No Content
- **Token Login (Token Based Authentication):**
- URL: `POST /auth/token/login/`
- Description: Obtain an authentication token by providing valid credentials.
- Body: JSON containing login credentials.
"username": "example_user",
"password": "example_password"
- Response:
- Status: 200 OK
- Body: JSON containing authentication token.
"auth_token": "your_generated_token_here"
- **Token Logout (Token Based Authentication):**
- URL: `POST /auth/token/logout/`
- Description: Logout and invalidate the current authentication token.
- Headers:
- Authorization: JWT token (Bearer token)
- Response:
- Status: 204 No Content
- **JWT Token Create (JSON Web Token Authentication):**
- URL: `POST /auth/jwt/create/`
- Description: Obtain an authentication token (JWT) by providing valid credentials.
- Body: JSON containing login credentials.
"username": "example_user",
"password": "example_password"
- Response:
- Status: 200 OK
- Body: JSON containing authentication token.
"access": "your_generated_access_token_here",
"refresh": "your_generated_refresh_token_here"
- **JWT Token Refresh (JSON Web Token Authentication):**
- URL: `POST /auth/jwt/refresh/`
- Description: Refresh an authentication token (JWT).
- Body: JSON containing refresh token.
"refresh": "your_refresh_token_here"
- Response:
- Status: 200 OK
- Body: JSON containing new access token.
"access": "your_new_access_token_here"
- **JWT Token Verify (JSON Web Token Authentication):**
- URL: `POST /auth/jwt/verify/`
- Description: Verify the validity of an authentication token (JWT).
- Body: JSON containing access token.
"token": "your_access_token_here"
- Response:
- Status: 200 OK
- Body: JSON indicating token validity.
"token_status": "valid"